June 19, 2015

these past few days

i feel bad for the radio silence here.  the more that happens in my life, the less happens in this space.  my mind is constantly swirling with mileage and camping sites and wwoof hosts that allow dogs and mail drops and plane tickets and oh crap i need to figure out insurance, when is bixby's vet appointment, how are all these bugs getting in my house, what am i going to do with all my books, etc, etc, etc, and etc.
last weekend was amazing.  i saw holy ghost tent revival in someone's backyard, an old friend of my had organized a house party and i was one of the lucky ones invited.  it was incredibly hot and incredibly buggy and incredibly incredible.  all lights and sweat and hands reaching for the stage and the night sky.  blackberry ginger ale and whiskey in a water bottle.  letting the horse eat grass out of my palm.  a piano left in the barn, all of its keys stuck, the front of it missing so you could see all of the hammers and strings.  honey wheat beer that was mostly foam.  we woke up early and groggy the next morning and the three of us got breakfast at a place where the waitresses called you honey.
sunday was a raleigh flyers game (professional frisbee, who knew?) with some of the people i played frisbee with last summer, realized i was terrible and didn't like driving on i40 in 5:00 traffic, and decided to mostly just go to the parties instead.  it was a million degrees, and they'd set up a kiddie pool in the parking lot.  between each quarter we'd run out of the bleachers and into the pool and stand in ankle deep lukewarm water, trying to finish our beers before the next quarter started.  gosh there's something magic about summer.  despite the sweat and the sunburns.  because of the sweat and sunburns.  because of the beer in the kiddie pools in the parking lot.  because of the crazy thunderstorms we've been getting lately.  because of the sun.
and friday night with high school friends and cards against humanity on a blanket and thanks for the pizza, again, and a free pass for a movie, any movie, when the film didn't work and we didn't get to watch hunger games after all.  a crummy waitress.  tables that turned into benches and listing everyone who ever lived in our neighborhood and also went to our high school.  looking at every dog.

then monday was ballet class followed by drinking beers and talking shit because we are ballerinas, after all.  and thursday was the same, this time without the ballet class but with empanadas and margaritas and empanadas and my orange dress and holy MOLY empanadas, if i could do the heart eye emoji here i would.  oh and wednesday we ("we") made the best dang pasta OF MY LIFE, groovy little penne guys called "garganelli" with basil cream sauce and tomatoes and spinach and i am drooling thinking about the leftovers i'm going to eat today.  kimmy schmidt fist pump!  we also watched game of thrones, season 5, episodes 4-6.  i liked it better when sansa was married to tyrion but whatevs, she'll either be dead or married to someone else soon enough.  #thanksobama.  we're in the home stretch!
what else?!  bachelorette and floor time.  bixby panting at me.  getting rid of things.  getting rid of things.  getting rid of things.  bixby lagging behind on walks, and me saying you better get your shit together, dude, cause there's going to be a lot more of this.  getting ready.  party on saturday!  i haven't thrown a party since camelot, but i've got twinkle lights and a whole lot of macaroni, and i'm not sure what else you need.  can my life just be this good all the time, except maybe without the feeling that i'm possibly going to explode?

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