June 13, 2014


people wrongly associate being vegetarian with being healthy.  i am one and not the other.  my vegetarianism stems from a queasiness towards dead stuff, not any attempt at doing my body good.  and lately, i've been more inspired to do my body good.

today is not the day to start, maybe this evening, but not now because i'm halfway through a caprese sandwich (holy yum).  i read a blog post this morning about sugar, and how it's in everything, even stuff it doesn't need to be in, and how juice is no better for you than soda (still trying to wrap my head around that one.  but doesn't the kind of sugar matter?  what about the carbonation and osteoporosis?  does that mean that diet sodas are better for you than juice?  no way.) which is a bummer and a half because i love juice buuuut i also have a massive sweet tooth so there's probably a reason for that.

so i'm running and dancing and wheelthrowing (totes a workout, shut up) and all that stuff is good and grand but i can't expect to live to 104 just off of exercise - especially if i'm not feeding my body the nutrients that'll allow me to continue to exercise.

always always about moving, but when i do, i think it'll be easier to make lifestyle changes.  i'll go into overdrive then - everything in the fridge and cupboards will be mine so i won't let veggies go bad as often, and i can stock it with exactly what i want, no temptations.  and i want to replace papertowels with cloths as much as i can, and shift to healthier cleaning products, and start composting (i just ordered the cutest compost bucket), and chuck the microwave.  all kinds of things!  all kinds of save the earth hippie things!

when i was a little kid, i was the weirdo who would pick up trash off the playground during recess.  my bff and i had a nature club that mostly consisted of trying to fix broken branches with string and pasty concoctions of leaves and flowers.  and there was the vegetarian declaration.  i liked that little kid.  she had a purpose, she was driven and deliberate and caring.  and i want to be more like her again, more like that flower child environmentalist.  i want to be better for me and better for the world and better so that my future kids will be healthy little hippie children too.